Thursday, April 2, 2009

New Ambitions...

So I have been doing a lot of thinking recently and it took me back to a conversation that I had with David and Richard on a trek to Costco on New Years Eve day. The conversation pertained to what our dream jobs were. I think I said that my dream job was to be a general manager of a Major League Baseball team. My reasons were simple. Its fun, I love baseball, I love people and I enjoy a taste of control. Well, I have been thinking about that conversation recently and have reassessed what I am currently doing. I love working in spas for all the right reasons. Plus there are no two better companies to work for than SBE/Starwood and Marcus/Harry. I do want to expand my horizons a bit, and have started looking into promotions. I would love to start a promotions company. I have recently been looking around and reading up on successful club promotion companies, their roots and their revenue patterns. I am looking into getting a group of four or five "partners" together to start brainstorming this little venture.

Instead of a normal promotions company, I want to create an entity that focuses on giving back to the community. A solid event can rake $5,000-$10,000 a night. I am all about making a ton of money, but if I can organize events where people have a good time and can kick a couple grand to charity every week, i would be thrilled. I have a couple friends, Darrell and Francis who have expressed interest and are both currently involved in non-profits, and now i feel like i need to recruit someone who has some experience in promotions as a "advisor." I really think that this could be something that really takes off. With the right marketing and publicity I think that this venture could be really successful and beneficial to the community. If you have any promotions experience or simply know that you can recruit a ton of people i wanna hear from you!

Other than that, I have been doing just a lot of packing and unpacking. I still do not have a fridge yet, but am working on that. I love having my own room, but do miss some of the luxuries of the fully furnished place that I left. Everything here is good, business is great at the Envy and is really picking up at SLS. I am at an awesome place in life right now, stressful, but awesome. I finally feel like i have found a nice balance of work and play. Sorry I don't have more dismal news for y'all, but thats about it!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Those Damn socialist Liberals...

I'm getting tired of these right wing e-mail campaigns condemning the so-called "democrats march to socialism". Do me a favor, for all of you who are forwarding these e-mails take a little bit of time and do some research as I am doing for this post.

Step 1: Look up Joseph McCarthy and his book, "McCarthyism: The fight for America." Sen. McCarthy was routinely accused of attempting to discredit his critics and political opponents by accusing them of being Communists or communist sympathizers. In the 1950 Maryland Senate election, McCarthy campaigned for John Marshall Butler in his race against four-term incumbent Millard Tydings. In speeches supporting Butler, McCarthy accused Tydings of "protecting Communists" and "shielding traitors." McCarthy's staff was heavily involved in the campaign, and collaborated in the production of a slander-laced campaign tabloid that contained a composite photograph doctored to make it appear that Tydings was in intimate conversation with Communist leader Earl Russell Browder. A Senate subcommittee later investigated this election and referred to it as "a despicable, back-street type of campaign," as well as recommending that the use of defamatory literature in a campaign be made grounds for expulsion from the Senate.

McCarthy did not stop there. President Harry S. Truman, who needless to say, did not quite get along with McCarthy referred to him once as "The Best Asset the Kremlin Has", because of the dividing and destructive nature of McCarthy's "witch-hunt." McCarthy essentially ran around pointing at anyone in his way and screaming communist. He single-handedly instilled such fear into the American people that it indirectly resulted in the start of "Military Intervention" in this small civily-sparring nation on the western Pacific seaboard called Vietnam. McCarthy pointed out that if communism took hold in Vietnam, then the rest of the Asian Nations would fall like dominoes followed by the rest of the world...America marched in to "save" the world from communism and promptly got their asses handed to them by a more determined people defending their way of life from these "round-eye" invaders. Communism was now a global concern. So we managed to get embarrassed and lost a half million young men and women in this effort to stop something we knew nothing about. After we left Communism did spread...and nothing ever really came of it. Hmmmm, kinda anti-climactic...

McCarthy even launched an investigation into the Army Signal Corp. Really? Idiot...It took McCarthy Just over 4 years to get his ass booted. On December 2nd, 1954, the Senate voted 67-22 to censure McCarthy and condemn all his actions due to the fact that he: "failed to cooperate with the Subcommittee on Rules and Administration," and "repeatedly abused the members who were trying to carry out assigned duties..." In addition: " the special Senate session...was a 'lynch party,'" and had characterized the committee "as the 'unwitting handmaiden,' 'involuntary agent' and 'attorneys in fact' of the Communist Party," and had "acted contrary to senatorial ethics and tended to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute, to obstruct the constitutional processes of the Senate, and to impair its dignity."

Now while these e-mails that are cycling are not exactly disgraced Senators from Wisconsin, they are in the same line, and the same belief as McCarthyism...Conservatives...You had your chance, and you blew it. The country is on the border of financial ruin because your fateful leader decided to do nothing about what was inevitably coming over the last 20 years. Get over yourselves. Its your turn to get on board or get the hell out. The same thing that you told the liberals after Bush stole his second election. If you don't like it, leave...Well, if you are not getting on board, then get the hell out! You make it sound like the Democrats are wronging so many people. Well, they are not. There is a reason that we control congress and the Presidential Seat, because you blew it. On November 4th, my vote for Obama was worth the same value as your vote for McCain. America's voice has been heard.

Here is my little motto of the day:

"Its really easy to point fingers without looking at your own flaws and inaction."

I know that my thoughts jump all over the place and there is a really thin timeline associated with this blog, but just bear with me, I was/am a little upset and am not concerned with structure or syntax...