Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Whoa, two in two days?

No nothing tragically painful or embarrassing has happened to me in the past twenty four hours, so if thats what you're here for, I thought I'd toss out the disclaimer.

To my last two remaining reader who is not here in a Sadists Fashion, I got good news yesterday. My Sister-in-law, Dearest Allyson, found out a couple weeks back that she was preggers. Sweet! Well they found out yesterday that the one little heartbeat is actually two. Double Sweet! Now, I really do not care for children, at all, but thats because of two reasons. 1. They are not mine, and B. I've never been able to use them as a weapon. >:-) I cannot wait for their first day with "Weird Gay Uncle Brandon," or as Kyle calls it DubGUB. One Baby = Chick/Dude Magnet, Twins = Oh My Goodness. I'm gonna get them sugared up and drop them off shortly before they start bouncing off the walls... "But we don't want anymore pixie stix, Weird Gay Uncle Brandon..." "If you don't eat the Pixie Stix, the Goblins under your bed will get you at night!"

Oh, I'm gonna be the best uncle ever! hahaha

Other than all that Breeder baby-makin' non-sense, I spoke to my boss yesterday. It had been a while since we had spoken and a little mini-rift had definitely formed between us. I felt it necessary for is to be on the same page. And now we are and all it took was a 3 minute phone call, and it feels oh so wonderful. Well, thats all I have for now. I don't until 5PM tonight for a few hours, so another day of boredom is about to commence in 3...2...1...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

About damn time...

So It has been awhile, and I have had requests from numerous people, well, 2 of my three total readers, when am I going to post again, and that got me to thinking. The premise of this blog was to provide an outlet for me to more or less, bitch and moan about things that are out of my control, for example, shin contusions, angry violent elder Jewish Women and their continued assault on my ankles, constant letdown of day to day life etc... Well, to be honest, there has not been much of that going on. Both my jobs are as solid as one could imagine in this economy, and my social life is developing at a nice pace.

One of my largest concerns when I moved up here, was what if Jeff and I broke up? The only people that I would know are John, who now almost exclusively lives in Manchester, Nareth, who lives seemingly equally far away in Long Beach and Tim, who is always doing his own thing. I am a very friend-oriented person and love the company of others even if it is to do something as simple as watching TV or eating some grub. I love the potential of social interaction! I am a social whore! I have met so many wonderful people here over the last six months and could not be happier. I now live with Nareth and Allison, and from Jun, David, Chester and the rest of the girls to, Mayor Phil and his loyal constituents to my lovely valentine's day "Date" Francis and his wonderful Jason, I feel like my days are full of fun loving happy people who just get me. Or at least try to. I'm not easy to understand, but it says a lot when people make a conscious effort to get to know you.

The last week or so has been incredible. I feel that my work performance is top notch, my social life is fantastic and the love life, although not existent is just that. Non-Existent. Its not a burdensome thing looming over me like it had been for the last 5 months or so. Yeah, there are a few people that I am fond of, there always is, but I'm done making the first move. I simply don't feel the need or pressure to act on feelings. Plus I have decided that I really want to get to know someone well before I progress. So yeah, enough of the sobby, sappy crap, lets talk about me getting injured, something that over the past six month you have all showed some interest in...assholes.

I drove home the other night after dinner at Francis and Jason's, parked my car got out, stood up and racked my skull off of a low hanging pipe so hard, that there was a definitive crunching sound, coupled with a bright flash of light and an instantaneous feeling of nausea. The last time I hit my head this hard is when I suffered my first concussion, about 10 years ago...I was vacuuming...Yes, Vacuuming... I was telling Jason on Sunday when we went to the gym how I manage to hurt myself in the most ridiculous ways, ie, Semitic Ankle Ramage, Car Door Shin Contusions, drunk flag football(don't ever call out someone 3" taller and 100 pounds heavier, You will shatter your right hand, every time!), Vacuuming, riding your bike in the grass and even playing on an innocent air filled water bed mattress...ohhh, the good old days.
I never manage to hurt myself when in really compromising positions like drunk bicycling, drunken fence hurdling, skydiving etc. I am that guy.

I did have a very "Pay it Forward" kinda moment the other day. I went to the bank, and held the door for this lady, she was very sweet and was walking ahead of me to get in line. A woman cut right in between myself and the woman i held the door for. The woman I held the door for, looked at me, I was probably scowling and cursing the hag that cut me off, but she smiled and said, "Here sweetie, take my spot in line." The hag that cut me off was furious and started saying "That's not Fair!" and "You Cannot Do That!" My door lady looked her in the eye, and said, "Can you Please be Quiet, I don't have time to listen to your petty issues." I almost fell down laughing. I did my business and got out before this turned into a full-blown cat-fight. So the pay it forward part came later when an older gentleman was backing out of his parking stall at the now infamous "Assault on my Ankles" Walgreen's. I stopped and let him go. Oooops, how was i supposed to know he was going to back into the car across the way? So I turned a blind eye put my car in reverse and pretended to not have noticed anything...and not speak English.

All in all, life is going well right now. I will post a bit more often now, hopefully regarding happy things and cheerful uplifting snippets, but we'll see what happens! haha

Have a lovely week everyone, I will talk at you soon.