Saturday, November 29, 2008

Turkey Day...

I am not in a thankful mood nor a giving mood...Well at least as far as Bank of America is concerned. Lucky for them I have friends who still do care about be even though I'm an obnoxious, liberal ass-clown (Yet another revelation I had this week).

Tuesday afternoon, I looked at my bank account balance. Now I was not expecting to see anything more than a couple hundred bucks in there, but when it told me that I was overdrafted by $6.41 I flipped out. I had been so careful, I knew how much I should have had and -$6.41 was not right. I looked a little further and saw a charge for $174.21, and $31.68 for Hustler Hollywood up on Sunset. Now if you know me, you'd know that PepBoys Auto Parts is not exactly where I choose to spend my time or money. Nor is Hustler Holywood, a store that caters to the straights. I had been fraud-ed.

I called up BofA really quick and spoke to who i needed to speak to. She put the money back in my account. I told her that I needed to use my card tomorrow for gas and she said that it was fine. Thus, I slept well...

I got out of work a bit early on Wednesday and began my trek down to San Diego. I was gonna stop and have a quick bite to eat in Irvine with Joselito :) on my way down to Escondido. I went to fill up and you'll NEVER guess what happened! DECLINED! At this point I was kinda in a panic, I had just closed my Union Bank account and consolidated everything over to one account to simplify my finances...Oooops. I called up BofA and they said that their was nothing that they could do about it and that the account had been closed due to fraudulent activity...The last time I had a fraudulent charge they did not close anything!

So I made some phone calls and could not really come to any resolution. Drastic Situations call for drastic measures...
I called Jeff.
Jeff Answered.
I explained it to Jeff.
Jeff came to a Gas Station to Fill up my car.
I said Thanks.
Jeff left angrily giving me a piece of his mind at a crowded Gas Station.
I almost Cried.
Jeff was right.

I went on my way to Escondido feeling like crap and with all the money to my name frozen because some asshole finds it necessary to screw with someone's life without consequence. We apparently are innately evil. Life is run on the honor system, especially in the age of technology that we are in now. You can get away with nearly anything and no one bats an eye. And to the person who did decide to steal from me...Well done, way to steal from someone who has less than $200.00 to their name! Hahaha, loser.

Thanksgiving dinner was delicious. I was angry at the world, but green bean casserole does wonders for a shattered heart and soul. After Dinner we went over to Ryan Arant's house for the traditional Margaritas and Pumpkin Gooey cake by way of Mother Karen. It was so good. Saw Russell, James, Ryan, Marissa, Paddy, Paul, Jordan and Richard. Good Times.

After Ryan's, Paul, Jordan, Richard, Ryan and I went over to Churchill's for a brew and an inevitable political discussion. It got heated and I got obnoxious. Paul turned to me at one point and said, "wow you got really liberal once to moved to LA, you must drive your old man nuts." Here's the problem with that, I am not really that liberal. I was just trying to be obnoxious because Paul and Jordan had been a bit tipsy. I was arguing for the sake of argument! How awful is that? So I decided to scale it back a bit. No use in pissing of the friends, I'd like to be invited to hang out again sometime! Haha.

All in all, I had a fun Turkey day. I was able to leave life behind for a day and a half and I think I really needed to do so. That's all for now.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A valid description of my emotion

There's that empty feeling that plagues all of us from time to time. I have once again, as i have in the past, found this particular Moby song to be accurate in description...

He's not a Muslim, and so what if he is...

I am so sick and tired of all these asshole sore losers(different than Prop 8 Sore losers, I'll explain why later) filing lawsuits regarding Barak Obama's Citizenship and religious affiliation. You know what you are? Ignoramuses, all a bunch of ignoramuses!!! You are bigots and cannot possibly fathom the fact that YOUR president elect is a black man from who spent 4 years in VERY Muslim Indonesia.

The fact that he has Muslim influence in his life terrifies you. And the only reason that it terrifies you is because you are afraid of the unknown. The only thing that the American population knows of Muslim's is that there is one radical sect out there that does not enjoy the way we live our lives...Does that make them all bad? No Stupid, it does not.

Christianity has not exactly been the most tolerant religious affiliation over time, Holocaust anyone? How many times has some sect of Christianity done something that we all look back on and go "Ooops, my bad..."?

Ok, I am off on a tangent. I got an E-mail from my Dad on Sunday stating that Philip Berg, I don't know if I am spelling his name right, but honestly who cares, he is an arrogant asshole. This man is filing a court docket with TSCOTUS to have Obama's election voided because he is not a US citizen. He has filed this same claim twice before in the last three months, and both times its been shot down...Give it up. Obama's campaign filed a copy of his Certificate of live birth 6 months ago. The argument that it is a forgery is ludicrous and has been debunked multiple times.

Berg's next inquiry is "Why are his Medical Records sealed?" Well, Dip Shit, because they are medical records...That's what they are...sealed...Everyone's are...Doctor-Patient confidentiality anyone? Is it not supposed to be uber-left communists that are to be prying into public business all "Big-Brother" style? I'm confused....

In closing I have furnished a few links that diffuse Barry-O them before you irresponsibly pass on spam mail questioning his authenticity...Just remember this "Kenyan-Muslim-Black" man has already done more with his life and for his country than anyone ever will.

That's a tough one to swallow, huh? A little black baby born of interracial divorced parents educated early on in a Muslim Nation, and raised by his grandparents is now in charge of your well-being...embrace it people, this is our first step to catching up with the rest of the world...He is YOUR President-Elect whether you like it or not.

Oh and one more thing, speaking of taboo birth places...Everyone knows that John McCain was born in Panama right? Which for my idiot readers, is not part of the US. Here are some fact-check sources...

Monday, November 24, 2008

It's been awhile...

A quick synopsis of all meaningful things in my life since the last post:

So since my last post, I have been verbally assaulted, hiked Runyon Canyon, Eaten at a Jewish Deli, Drank Cherry Vodka, Killed Zombies, been hit on by a client, not posted any blogs, gotten a massage and watched the "Most Talented Football Team" in America fall to 4-7...

Starting from the top, in paragraph form(All for you King)...

I got yelled at by some hippy bitch because I honked my horn at her...SHE WAS STOPPED IN THE MIDDLE OF SANTA MONICA BLVD AT 4PM ON THURSDAY!!! WTF? When I drove by she called me a, and I quote, "Big Bald Asshole." Really?? That's all you could come up with? I'm freakishly tall, awkwardly shaped, pasty white, gay, and BIG BALD ASSHOLE is the best you can come up with? I a not going to dignify that one with a response...

Ricky and I went Hiking in Runyon Canyon Earlier on that Thursday up into Runyon Canyon. Its really cool up there, feels like the top of the world. It was a bit smoggy, but not too bad. I look forward to doing it again.

After hiking we went to Canter's on Fairfax for a delicious French Dip, and a bowl of Matzo Ball Soup! I highly recommend Canter's if you have not already been there!!

Cherry Vodka...Surprisingly fantastic!!!

Played a video game last night that was interesting...Killed Zombie-like creatures for an hour or so...

Had a client hit on me today, she grabbed my hand, held it near her face, and said its ok sweetie, I'm not mad, smiled then left...She's cute...Problem is she is a she...who i think used to be a he, but is now a she...

Got a massage from a friend last week, it was good...

Watched/listened to the Chargers suck yesterday...The End.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


From Ricky, love it...burning crosses anyone??? Ahh, the Christian way....

Just an update...

Spent the day Hanging Out in China town with Ricky yesterday...very entertaining...we had lunch at this awesome dim sum place called Ocean Seafood. After we were done stuffing our faces we went to walk around and look at "Stuff." That's the best way to describe shit in China Town...Stuff. Bamboo plants, illegal turtles dried seahorses, and older Hispanic women trying to sell you on the holistic benefits of Chinese "Stuff." An hour later, we were at 99 Ranch Market in Van Nuys, I felt like making pho. So I bought the necessaries along with a 4 pound barrel of Kim Chi. Should suffice for a couple of weeks.

I was supposed to cook dinner for the roommates, an ongoing promise that has yet to be fulfilled...but that did not pan out so i took a road trip instead...

Later in the evening, I went down to Huntington Beach and had dinner with a friend whom I have never met but have talked to and chatted with seemingly for the beginning of time. Really cool guy, laid back, kind, level headed, just my type! haha We went and gorged at Taco Tuesday at Fred's Catina or something of the like. Delicious "Impostor Mexican Food," but it filled a temporary void! After Dinner Joselito and I took the cliche long walk on the beach and just shot the shit. I took him back to drop him off at his place and we watched a few episodes of the newest family guy season, had a good laugh, and then I vacated, because he had to work the next day. I had a quick drive home as could be imagined on the 405 at midnight, and crashed out. I awoke this morning...around the soothing sounds of Rosa's vacuum...damnit...Gotta go, time for scrabble with nareth!

Monday, November 17, 2008

I wish I were straight...

Another post that might make some people a bit pissed. I am going to say it right now, I wish I were straight. Life would be so much easier if I were straight. Most heterosexuals laugh at this and shrug it off, but really, I am tired of being gay. Heterosexuals don't have to walk around watching their every moves, trying not to act too gay or too feminine. Not having to hold my breath every time I walk by a straight bar that some asshole will have an issue with my life, and now, being gay means being a lesser human...Sweet! I love it...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Home Sweet Other Home

I'm in San Diego for a day and a half for the older brother's wedding shower. His fiance is a lovely Irish girl and much like the English love a good High Tea, this event is creatively titled "High Beer." I love the Irish...

I went to Kathaul's house last night for a little BBQ and Beverage and got to see the good friends. It was classic, we played a little Taboo until the neighbors were trying to figure out what all the profane screaming was about. I got home at about midnight, and did a little AIM chatting with a couple of friends and then hit the sack.

Paul anonymously (oops) told me last night that I am not really sure why the gays want to get married. You just get stripped of all your rights after you're married anyways...That made me chuckle! Kat did not think it was that funny...

The Mother is helping my make a huge pot of stew for me to freeze and eat throughout the winter. Its cooking in crock pot right now and the whole kitchen smells incredible!!!

Heading over to Leslie's house in a sec to watch the first half of the game then up to "High Beer."

Friday, November 14, 2008

In response to my last post...

I am posting this letter by my dear friend Beth, who has a slight counter-point to my previous post. It almost brought me to tears!!!

"I feel bad for you. I understand that gays want the same rights as everyone else to get married, and honestly I have no problem with that. Marriage is fun and one day it will be there for the taking but I am some what upset at the fact that you state that with out gays the marriage system would fail to function. I love my craft and weddings were the reason i got into the field. Honestly it's a little far fetched.

The fact of the matter is that it will be acceptable for same sex marriage to happen. There used to be a time when being gay was something you only thought. But look how its changed so far. For you and your friends, you were able to tell your family and friends with little to no judgment and ridicule.(I'm speaking mainly for myself and your friends). My moms cousin is gay and has been for 47 years. I remember meeting him for the first time and hearing all about it. His father disowned him, his friends abandoned him and his mom felt like she had done something wrong to bring the horrible stat upon her son. He lived most of his young adult life alone and afraid. I'm thankful that you don't have it so hard.
Try to stay positive. We all need to remember that were lucky as hell to be in America. We have the ability to bitch till were blue in the face. We have a lot more already then other countries. There is a song I'm thinking of that's perfect for you:::: don't worry.... be happy ! i love you had hope you find some happiness to write about."

I love Beth to death, coolest girl ever...I do want to clarify that my story about collapsing the wedding industry was pitched out of humor, but the rest of her letter is the awesome part! Love you Manion!


Hey Breeders, you cant get married either...

While marching through Santa Monica screaming about rights and other miscellaneous anti-Mormon Church stuff--Let it be known that these protests are not against people of Mormon faith, who incidentally blindly donated to Prop 8, it is against the Church itself who took their followers money and donated it for them--someone near me brought up a good point...There would be no straight weddings without the gays! No Hair Dressers, No manicurists, no dress designers, no caterers, wedding planners, not food and beverage employees, no travel agents, no male steward to man flights for honeymoons, no cake decorators and most importantly, no Catholic Priests...Alright so the last one was a reach, but in my anti-catholicism mind, I chuckled, and that is all that counts...But the reality of it all is that, we are a good natured people who have provided services and economic value for a long time. We have created the ambiance, the decor and the arrangements for millions, maybe close to a billion weddings throughout history, and yet we cannot have one of our own.

In this manner I see prop 8 as somewhat a slavery issue. Not a slavery similar to African-American slavery, I'm not saying that at all, and please don't write or comment appalled that I am relating our issue to the enslavement of millions of African-Americans. Now that my disclaimer is out there, I feel enslaved because I work for the rights of others and then do not get them ourselves. This issue at hand I believe is more closely related to Sierra Leone's blood diamonds, obviously not as extreme, but the base concept is there. These are people who work so hard for beans, and are not allowed to reap the fruits of their labor. In fact they are usually murdered and tossed aside like rag dolls. Now I hear you saying, "Brandon, WTF? Really, You are comparing us to enslaved people in an African nation who harvest diamonds??" Yes, Yes I am. I did say that we were a less severe case...

On to the next matter of business, I went to a really cool panel last night on the Proposition 8 election results and everything. The panelist were displaying and reviewing different voting statistics and talking about improvements from 2004's prop 22. It was actually very interesting. One of the Panelists, Ron Buckmire, who is the President of the Barbara Jordan/Bayard Rustin Coalition noted that although the African-American Vote was a resounding 70% for "Yes," the White Republican vote was an even more astonishing 85% yes. Lets stop blaming the black community for this upset, put the blame where it needs to go...I hope that you all enjoy your day!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Kinda getting frustrated...

So the Protests are getting larger, from 1000 or so the night after to large organized rallies in Silver Lake to sporadic smaller rallies that gather 2000+ people on short notice. The problem with these rallies are their locations. Why the hell are we still protesting in West Hollywood, Westwood and Santa Monica? What the hell is wrong with this? Well all three of these areas voted overwhelmingly against 8. When are we going to protest in Union City, Hollywood Hills, Torrance or Pico Rivera??? When are we going to go somewhere and make a scene that can actually change minds?

This Saturday, the fifteenth, there is a rally downtown at city hall. This would be a nice change of pace except that the city of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors just voted to join a lawsuit against prop 8. So again who are we going to appeal to? Who knows?

What I know is that I will continue to support when I can, simply because the people who do go out there are fighting for my rights too.

I apologize for not posting more disparaging posts about how crappy my life is right now, but, having found something to rally around has kinda given my sub-par rat race life a bit of purpose and meaning.

Here is something a touch disturbing. I am finally getting paid without having a rent check or deposit due, HOWEVER, I do have a $81.00 phone bill, I need $70.00 worth of gas, +$60.00 more for my trip to San Diego, roughly $120.00 worth of groceries, I decided to pay half my rent, $275.00, so again I will be fairly broke... But oh well, I'll have to keep the money burning to a minimum...Have a lovely day all, I'm off to work.

Finally, I leave you with a silly video, where has all the money gone???

In The Know: Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole?


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Please watch...

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

Now go to this link and sign the petition...
Rally today at the Mormon Temple in Westwood at 5PM and at 7PM at San Vicente and Santa Monica...Get your ass out and support...

Monday, November 10, 2008

This video nearly brought me and Keith tears...

Please watch this video and pass it on to everyone you know. I know its
Keith Olberman and he is the Liberals best friend, but he speaks the mind of 48% of California...

2nd Class Citizen

I would like to encourage everyone who is able to, to participate in some for of anti-prop 8 rally. I am going to throw this out there right now...This is all about me...If you care about me as a person, friend, family member or have a really close friend or family member who is gay, lesbian or transgender, march with them, MARCH FOR THEM. This is not about religion, it is not about a poular vote, and it IS NOT ABOUT financial benefits! It is about LOVE, and it is about HATE. HATE that was cast with a "Yes on 8" vote. Its about supporting equal rights, and not promoting discrimination against fellow human beings.

This is the first time that actual legislature has been passed to strip anyone in this nation of rights. Never before has this happened and now it happens in the "most progressive state" in the "most progressive nation" in the world...Sickening.

I am a second class citizen, I am below all of you, you are all better than I am, and it is really depressing. It is pretty humiliating when death row inmates are allowed to marry whomever they want but hard-working model citizens who actually contribute to society are not. We have done nothing wrong, and have not hurt anyone.

This is why I am calling for all of you, ANY of you to lend a hand, and speak out against biggotry, hatred and discrimination against myslef and 3,000,000+ fellow Californians.

For those of you that did vote "Yes on 8" for religious reasons, what if your child/brother/best friend is a homosexual? There is no amount of preaching or sermons that can mutate genetics. What happens then? Think about it...

Below are some links for Rallies and Marches throughout California. Thank you so much for your support, all of you...

Brandon Watson
2nd Class Citizen

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Silver Lake to WeHo

Based on's estimates the distance from the beginning of the rally in Silver Lake California to West Hollywood is about 8.5 miles. This is the distance that about 5000 people walked on Saturday night. Following a rally at the "Juntion" at Santa Monica Boulevard and Sunset Boulevard, the march began. With a police escort of around 250 officers, about 5000 of the original 15,000 protesters began their march to Hollywood and Highland where they met with us and 2000 other fellow "Rallyers." Together, 7,000 protesters walked Sunset Boulevard past all of the bars that were conveniently vacating at about that time screaming, "What do we want? Equal Rights, When do we want them? Now" It really was something to behold. As soon as I can get a USB memory card reader I will upload all of them and share the wealth! I will be in Sacramento for the statewide rally on the 22nd, and think it would be sweet if I can get some support from the old Davis cronies Supposed to be roughly 20,000 people involved...We'll see about that. Let me know if y'all want to meet up. Anyways, short post, thats all I got. Stay tuned for a post on The Church of Moron...Ooops, Church of Mormons...Talk to you soon.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Its Rally Time

Its a wonder what you can accomplish with 2000 people, road closures at 4PM on a thursday and lots of innovative signs... Take a second no matter where you are and what you are doing and look at these shots from Jeff's assistant, Kara, she is a brilliant photographer:

Some of the more creative signs:

"Chickens: 1
Gays: 0" pertaining to the passage of prop 2 and 8...

"LDS meet IRS" The LDS really should lose their tax exemption.

"Protect marriage, ban divorce" My personal favorite...

I'm thinking that 15,000 pissed off homos is not what LDS had on their mind when they funded 72% of Prop 8 from their cozy little armchairs in Salt "Hate" City.We just want to marry the same gender, not 17 twelve year old girls...Have fun paying back-taxes, freaks...

The last leg of stability is broken...

I have said from the start of this literary epic of Jack Kerouac proportions, that I lack stability in my life, and that Jeff was one of my few sources. Well, last night, Jeff and I broke up, after a fast 374 days, it had ran its course. I still love him and still need him in my life, just maybe not in the capacity that it was in. He knows me better than anyone else...he knows my skeletons...he knows my dark sides, and he understands them. That's the bond that we shared I guess.

Onto other things, there was a large no on 8 rally last night in West Hollywood, I'm not sure how many people were there, but in typical WeHo fashion, people were arrested for public intoxication, loud music was blaring, people were screaming and I'm positive there was some form of lewd act being conducted in this mob...SWEET!

What has me irked about this is not the rally itself, but the Yes on 8 supporters are posting all over websites for us to stop the protests and rallys...I'm sorry, first of all, what part of equality for all in the constitution did you miss? We are the last severely maligned group of Americans, why should we just sit back and take it? Because the church says so? Fuck the church, THIS IS NOT A THEOCRACY, get your blood stained hypocritical hands out of government. This issue is not about religion, it is not about education and it is not about abomination. Its about equality! If you can consciously still support proposition 8 while seeing the pain that it has caused, then I ask that you please leave my page. I don't want bigots and intolerant assholes anywhere near anything that I do/write/talk about. Just get out of my life, because you obviously don't give a hot shit about my well-being or my rights as a human being. I am slightly perturbed and I apologize for the vulgarities(Sorry Mom), but it makes me sick that we as "The Most Progressive State" in the "Most Progressive Nation" cannot observe basic human rights for at least 10% of the population. I am so sick of this, China has better human rights policies than California, yes, fucking China. At least they acknowledge the gay population and provide equal right across the board. I am ashamed of my country and ashamed of my state. Its a sad day in Brandon-Land right now...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Now Where was I?

Oh yeah, so perp vans...The move is finally done with. I spent all weekend including Halloween Day moving Jefferson out of his old place and into his new place. It took the two of us, and two of Jeff's friends, Josh and Jay from Wisconsin and New York respectively, all damn day!!! Later in that evening we went to West Hollywood, and I wish that I had taken pictures...There were SOOOOO many people packed on the streets. Hundreds of Thousands of people along a 3 mile stretch of Santa Monica Boulevard from Robertson to La Cienega. Costumes of every shape form and theme. A shit-ton of Sarah Palins and John McCains. And that is the perfect transition...

What's everybody doing today? Better question, What should you be doing today? Get your butt out there and vote. If you are in CA, its ok, your vote won't change much, but as I have noticed a couple readers are from "Swing States (aka, States Obama's lead is less than ten points)". Get out and vote. For those of you in CA, please vote no on 8. Its ludicrous legislature at its finest...The gay and lesbian community is one of the last major maligned groups, and deserve equality. Civil Unions are not good enough. None of this separate but equal bullshit. All you republicans out there who claim to be constitutionalists and supporters of smaller governments. A yes vote is simply contradicting yourself. The statement that
"marriage is between a man and a woman" is not in the state constitution in any manner, and can in no way be deciphered in the state legislation. As far as keeping the government out of one's life this is pretty self-explanatory. The government can not and will not tell me who I am allowed to love and be loved by.

And finally, for those of you who claim to be protecting the "Religious Sanctity" of Marriage, bite me! This is a democracy, NOT a theocracy, we were NOT founded on the basis of religion and "One Nation, Under God" was inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance in the Nutty 50's. Our country is founded on the principal that all men are created equally and that everyone should have the privilege...No, THE RIGHT to flourish in any situation. If proposition 8 passes, and the constitution in amended it is to be blamed on nothing but the ignoramuses that walk this land, and the people that still believe in the "Religious Sanctity" of Marriage and it's 54% divorce rate...