Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Inaugural "Eff-You" List

I have compiled lots of things that annoy me, from the mundane(#12) to the serious(#59)

1. Here Lounge
2. Open Bar @ Here Lounge
3. 8AM Work shifts
4. Free Shots
5. Free Shots at Mickey's that are pint glass sized
6. Greenwich Village Pizza
7. Go-go dancers who smoke, as if you are not gross enough...
8. iPhone Alarm clocks
9. Open bar @ Here Lounge
10. Repetition
11. Waking up early
12. "Little People" (meaning anyone under 5'6", Eff-You Nareth, hehe)
13. Pat Buchanan
14. Open bar at "My House" (a future Eff-You)
15. My lack of Will-Power
16. Hope, the kind that misleads you to a point of destruction
17. Gays who think Obama is on our side
18. Anyone who has not seen The Never Ending Story and Labyrinth
19. Asher Roth
20. Lebron James
21. Organized religion
22. Millennium software
23. Miller High Life
24. The Gross Domestic Product of Iceland, which is made up entirely by Bjork's inaudible screams and Swan Dresses, but not Ice.
25. the :-P Emoticon. Is it a cute "sticky outty" tongue, or an angry one?
26. Catcher in the Rye, Snooze-Fest, and on that note, anything by James A Michner. C'mon, has anyone really read all 1088 pages of the source?
27. Fat People
28. Skinny People
29. People
30. Professional Sports in San Diego, I hope the Chargers move to LA!
31. This guy:
32. Jay-walkers
33. Hernias, never had one but they just don't sound that amusing.
34. Pontiac Azteks
35. Parking Meters
36. Things from Mighigan, Delaware, Alabama and Utah, in no particular order
37. Crocodicles, Alligators, you're cool, but Eff-You Crocodiles and your pointy snouts...
38. While on animals, Tarsirs, Geoducks, Rhode Island Reds, Pigeons, and anything that births its babies by way of its back. Yeah, I'm talking to you Mr. Suriname Toad!!

39. Motel 6
40. Whores
41. Anything born prior to the year 1900, quit taking my fresh air! You're turn is over!
42. Conservatives
43. Ultra-conservative, really now? Who is that stupid to label themselves as Ultra-Conservative. Its a direct translation to any of the following: Ultra...Racist/Ignorant/Socially awkward/misled/hateful/self-centered/etc, and is a direct translation in Swahili, I believe, to a Bag of Douche...I may be a little lost in translation though.
44. Depleted Uranium

45. Sarah Palin
46. Sarah Palin
47. Sarah Palin
48. Incandescent light bulbs
49. Wood Paneled Vans
50. Trophy Wives
51. Caddy Gays
52. Facebook Apps
53. Cancer
54. Douche Bag Straight Guys, and Douche Bag Gay guys for that matter
55. AT&T Wireless
56. 100 Spoke Rims
57. Love
58. Back Fat/Love Handles
59. World Peace via war, c'mon really now? Dumbasses
60. Everything Maple...Trees, Bats, wood, leaves, syrup, etc.
61. American Made Cars
62. Those Bugs that live in Watercress
63. Well Tequila
64. Naturally fit people
65. Kobayashi
66. Coffee Bean
67. Lava
68. Tiny Post-It notes
69. NorCal
70. People who get laid
71. 90,000 mile car tune-ups
72. People whom sparingly return your calls
73. Red-Eye, the movie, not the flights, and While I'm on movies, Land of the Lost, Jason and I saw it for free, and still felt ripped off!
74. Anything Will Ferrel, Post 2005
75. Texas Hold'Em
76. Harlequin-type Ichthyosis...look it up on You Tube
77. Generally everyone east of the Mississippi
78. Bad Pho
79. The Number 79

The End


  1. im 5'6" douche bag!

  2. First, you're not allowed to want the Chargers to move to LA. That's fucking blasphemy. Two, NorCal is way better.

  3. Oh, the previous comment was left by me
