Thursday, December 29, 2011

The 'new' year...

All I have seen on facebook the last couple of days are people posting "thank god 2011 is over", "2011 sucked," "2011 this and that, and a sack of nuts."

Well...I'm pretty sure 2012 is not going to change anything.  Your life is still gonna suck, you are still going to be in the rat race and your still going to wake up every morning wishing this year was decide to make the effort to change things.  Shits not going to change just because you get to open your new cool desk calendar.  Its only going to change because you make it change.  The date is really just a trivial number that means NOTHING in the long run.  Most of 2011 was enjoyable for me.  The last three months have been really turbulent.  I don't let on much, but I am really down right now.  I try to keep the cheery disposition and try to enjoy what I can, but its really hard.

I caught myself saying "Thank God 2011 is over!" Then I started thinking, I'm not just going to wake up on Sunday and magically be out of this funk.  It just does not happen that way.  I have tried really hard to go out and make new friends and avoid the negatives that come with living 500 feet from boys town.  And I think I have.  I have met a few new people in the last 2 months and little do they know, they have made a huge impact in my life.  Most importantly for me is that I have met these people on my own accord.  I met them through other friends.  Look at this bitch network!  I have only made about 5 trips to the bars(1 for a birthday, 1 with Padraic and Kelly, 2 for fundraisers and I'm sure there was another one), which for me is mind-boggling.

Come Sunday, it will be the start of a new year, and a new me as well. I'm not going to say resolution because those always fail.  I am simply going to say, that I want to be happy, and I know what I need to do to be happy.  So I am just going to do it.  Its not a dramatic lifestyle change or anything, its simply taking control of your emotions and disposition.  Controlling your destiny sounds wild and dramatic, so I won't got that far, but you get the idea.  One of my favorite quotes was by Lil' Wayne or something, "Be the Change you want to see in the world."  Its about time that I become proactive in my life and stop letting the last 3 months get me down.  I need to stop questioning whether or not I/we made the right decision, because every time I do, regret sets in, and that only holds you back.  Decisions are made for a reason and are generally based on assumptions that something will either work or not work.  Some are good, some are bad.  But there is nothing you can to change it other than move on, and move on I shall. I will be happy, and that's all that matters, because I am the most important person in my world.

That being said, I hope you all have an absolutely amazing (AND SAFE) New Years Eve.

"Be the change you want to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear u had a tough couple months but as u said it seems ur doing something about it! With every down the only way is up so smile :)
