Saturday, February 28, 2009

Dude, Where's my Street

Last night I went to J and Eric's for J's B-day. It was lovely to see everyone smiling and happy. I on the other hand was irratable and dissatisfied with my current situation. I was not drinking and had been dry for a couple days. Every time David yelled "Shots!" I salivated and then quickly got pissed off. I was parched and all I could drink was fruit Juice. So I found another, non-blood-thinning vice which will not be named, and began enjoying myself.

Midnight rolled around and everyone was pretty tuckered out. RD and Phil were taking off and it seemed like a good time for Uly and I to hit the road also. I walked Phil and RD out said goodnight, and then walked to my car. What happened after that was a mystery... I have never been so out of it. I was in some kinda zone. Keep in mind, I was stone cold sober. I have never had my mind so far detached from my body before...Below i a basic map with two routes marked. One is the way I took to J and Eric's and the other was the route I took home. I will let you figure out which is which. At one point on the way home. I text RD to say I was lost. I was less than a mile from my house and was so disoriented that it was mildly humorous...And now the map:

This is the kind of disorientation that I experience when NOT under the influence of booze...Sigh...

1 comment:

  1. Dude, this is hilarious! And to think you were sober...
