Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hello Party People

So this is the first post that I have made since the beginning of March. My laptop of almost 5 years decided to crap out on me. I just got my new one a few hours ago and am loving it...So back to blogging...

Here are a couple of updates...

My beloved A-hole, Rettles and I are getting a place on Bedford Drive just south of Airdrome. Its a fantastic little 3 bedroom place with a nice view and plenty of space for us to all do whatever it is that we do. The important part about this, that is, the part that affects all of my minions(you) is the housewarming party. I'm thinking delicious pastries ala J's B-day and a massage therapist on staff doing chair massage. Ohhhh, and of course, lots of drinks. :-) its in the plans, but I guess first we need to make sure that we get the place.

Work has been intense. I am on a nice schedule of around 7-8 hours a day. I am working 7 days a week, but am strangely not getting burnt out. Both jobs are a nice change of pace from one another. I work 4 days at SLS Hotel and then 3 days at "The Envy."

As far as a social/love life goes...I have resigned to the fact that I am just meant to be single until further notice. I have lost the drive to pursue things, and will just live my life with myself being priority number one instead of someone else. A-Hole and I have both been going out a lot recently, which is usually a ton of fun. Neither of us have been drinking too much when going out. As David says, "Ballers on a Budget." I have met a lot of super people recently and feel like i have made some lovely new friends.

I will post more later, but for now, back to playing with my new toy...my laptop perverts.


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