Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The most disgusting things ever...

Ok so evolution has played some really cruel jokes on anamalia over time, The Dodo(Flightless idiot), the Surinam Toad(Look it up on Youtube) and Epidermodysplasia verruciformis(Half man half tree) just to name a few. But today I was exposed to something so commically sad, that I had to post it. I love seafood. Correction I loved seafood. I loved shellfish, oysters, clams and the like. However, after being exposed to the Geoduck, pronounced gooey-duck, I have had to rethink my tastes for seafood and certain external male reproductive organs. It is a large clam with an uncircumcised male appendage-like...appendage protruding from it...Just see for yourself...

Apparently they are best served in Clam Chowder...Enjoy...


  1. i suddenly have an insane craving for seafood...or some cock? hmmm...whichever comes first i guess! lol!

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