Monday, March 8, 2010

The Rundown, or the who cares.

So as can be seen by the most recent post prior to this one, I have not made a single post since late August, or a worthwhile post since, well...Lets just get to the point.

A ton of things have happened; like they tend to over a 6 month period. I lost a job, a license, a friend, a decent chunk of what little dignity I have left, respect for a handful of people, $1600 to the DMV, a little more hair from my already receding/growing scalp/forehead, my car keys (three times) and my marbles (six times). A lot of really crappy things have happened in the past year. However there have been a few good things that have kept me floating. But first the doldrums, because I know that's what you are here for.

First, I lost a job. I was "Terminated" for a violation of policy. I really cannot go much more in depth there so I will just keep it on the opinion level. My previous place of employment is owned by two men. One of them is fantastic, kind, funny, good-spirited, generous and really cares a lot about people in general-especially his employees. The other is a snobby, pompous, vengeful, vindictive, pathetic, angry, sleazy cheapskate who is all about making a dime at the sacrifice of anyone-his own mother included. I was let go for reasons that I definitely did not agree with, but in hindsight, I am glad it happened. It opened the door to a position in a great company. But as good ole' Homer said in the Iliad, "It [revenge] is sweeter far than flowing honey."

One month after losing my job I lost my license. Hmmmm, seemed like a good idea at the time...Well, now I have a roadblock in the form of a ticket that I had received back at UC Davis in 2004. Apparently, I short paid it $52.00. Now I owe the DMV a ri-god-damned-diculous amount of money- in the neighborhood of $1651.00 to $1653.00 before they will renew my license. Sigh... consequences to poor decisions tend to grow exponentially over time. A few courtesy reminders: pay your parking tickets, don't speed, don't eat yellow snow, don't drink and drive, have your animals spayed or neutered and always wear your seat belt (This is a sweet transition if I might add).

I lost a friend last Saturday, February 27th around 11AM. Sarah Rachelle Phillips, one of my really close friends for the last 4+ years was thrown from her vehicle as it rolled six or seven times after hitting a puddle and careening off the Southbound I-805/SR-15 connector. It still really has not sunk in yet and it hurts really badly. Now, I know that even though a large majority of my three readers (2?) have a penchant for sadism to my masochism, but this might even be beyond you sickos. She was a really good person with an infectious laugh and an insatiable appetite for really good beer. :-)

I have a fairly large volume of confidence in the belief that if those three things had happened in the short amount of time that they did, that most of you would be a bit screwy in the noggin. Well I'm not. No more than normal at least. I have a new man in my life. His name is Rodger. Seeing as that we have been together for 5 months on Wednesday, this was probably old news to the most of you. Anyways, he is a fantastic person. Fiery, passionate, motivational, smokin' hot and best of all, hes blind and deaf and thinks I am Justin Timberlake!! No but really, he is all that and more, sans the whole blind and deaf part. He knows me, he sees me for who I am, and he sees my flaws and does not try to fix them. He has made me realize that my last two relationships were dysfunctional and that this is how things are supposed to be. He makes me happy when everything around me and in me is sad. His dumb little smile brightens my day, and the way we communicate offers promise to a better life and existence (Sounds cult-ish huh?). OK, that's enough happy crap. I don't wanna really turn you off of my musings.

I'll try to intentionally put myself in an awkward, blog-post-worthy position in the next couple days for your enjoyment. Until then, sit back, relax and grab a beer.

Miss Princess!

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