Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Don't Worry, Be Happy

     So this last weekend was Long Beach Pride.  It was my first time going and it was a blast.  I have been working really hard at getting in shape and other things as we were going to my first pool party in forever and I was not about to wear my t-shirt into the pool. haha  We ended up getting held up late at practice and missed the pool party, but decided to host one of our own.  Angel called up our buddy Eric and set up a damn fun get-together at Eric's place.  Everyone was laying out talking, enjoying some delicious beer and music.  It was a really fun crowd of people and I feel like I got to know some new people, and potentially make some new friends. We had big games on Sunday, so we did not party that late, In bed by 2ish, I think.  We lost our first game which was our last chance at first place, but won the second game due to forfeit.  We went back to Long Beach and laid down for a nap and did not wake up til around 7.  Basically we slept through everything...Awesome. haha  So we just lounged around on the couch and watched a bunch of 'gay' movies that I had never seen before.  Angel is really pushing me to get my 'gay card.'  It was a great weekend, and I cannot wait until we do it again.

     So this weekend, our softball team will be in SF playing in a sweet-ass tournament.  I was a pickup player last year and our team won the tourney, so, I guess, I am defending our title or something like that.  Angel and I are heading up there on Friday and likely staying until Tuesday in the hopes of doing some touristy/romantic crap.  Like a picnic at twin peaks, and maybe and Alcatraz tour.  I am really excited to get away from all of this and enjoy some quality time with him.  I am really excited that we are staying with my college buddy Thomas, who has graciously opened his doors for us to crash there for the weekend.  Also looks Like Paul will be joining us Saturday night...we had better have late games on Sunday. haha...

Now for horribly boring self-reflection:

My mind has always worked a million miles a minute.  I talk too fast and often times have to repeat myself because whatever it is that I had just spat out was a verbal vomit full of words that mesh together.  I don't us the space bar when I talk.  :-)  My bad, its just how I am.  Anyways.  I need to find a way to stop thinking so much and to just calm the hell down.  Its better that way.  Since, I cannot walk around stoned all the time or take Xanax before work, it looks like I'm left with breathing exercises. haha.

     I have got a great thing going right now.  I'm very happy, have someone who cares, and am generally pleased with the way things are going.  I need to relax, let whatever happens happen, and stop trying to force issues.  People generally do not change unless they want to, so maybe its not worth trying to force an issue.  Maybe its better just left untouched. I have no idea where I am going with this but I guess, that the whole point of this blog.  Let's see how many tangents Brandon can go on in a 1,000 word post...

     Anyways, I got a lot to look forward to this weekend.  Also a lot to look forward to this week.  Hope you all are doing well.  And that concludes the most boring post I have ever written.  To those who are still reading...Really?  Is your life that boring?  Mine is.

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