Sunday, November 9, 2008

Silver Lake to WeHo

Based on's estimates the distance from the beginning of the rally in Silver Lake California to West Hollywood is about 8.5 miles. This is the distance that about 5000 people walked on Saturday night. Following a rally at the "Juntion" at Santa Monica Boulevard and Sunset Boulevard, the march began. With a police escort of around 250 officers, about 5000 of the original 15,000 protesters began their march to Hollywood and Highland where they met with us and 2000 other fellow "Rallyers." Together, 7,000 protesters walked Sunset Boulevard past all of the bars that were conveniently vacating at about that time screaming, "What do we want? Equal Rights, When do we want them? Now" It really was something to behold. As soon as I can get a USB memory card reader I will upload all of them and share the wealth! I will be in Sacramento for the statewide rally on the 22nd, and think it would be sweet if I can get some support from the old Davis cronies Supposed to be roughly 20,000 people involved...We'll see about that. Let me know if y'all want to meet up. Anyways, short post, thats all I got. Stay tuned for a post on The Church of Moron...Ooops, Church of Mormons...Talk to you soon.



  1. woo-hooo! good job you guys! i would've been there with ya guys had it not been for study time.

    you goin to any more this week?

  2. I would go, but I'm in NYC... damn!
