Friday, November 14, 2008

Hey Breeders, you cant get married either...

While marching through Santa Monica screaming about rights and other miscellaneous anti-Mormon Church stuff--Let it be known that these protests are not against people of Mormon faith, who incidentally blindly donated to Prop 8, it is against the Church itself who took their followers money and donated it for them--someone near me brought up a good point...There would be no straight weddings without the gays! No Hair Dressers, No manicurists, no dress designers, no caterers, wedding planners, not food and beverage employees, no travel agents, no male steward to man flights for honeymoons, no cake decorators and most importantly, no Catholic Priests...Alright so the last one was a reach, but in my anti-catholicism mind, I chuckled, and that is all that counts...But the reality of it all is that, we are a good natured people who have provided services and economic value for a long time. We have created the ambiance, the decor and the arrangements for millions, maybe close to a billion weddings throughout history, and yet we cannot have one of our own.

In this manner I see prop 8 as somewhat a slavery issue. Not a slavery similar to African-American slavery, I'm not saying that at all, and please don't write or comment appalled that I am relating our issue to the enslavement of millions of African-Americans. Now that my disclaimer is out there, I feel enslaved because I work for the rights of others and then do not get them ourselves. This issue at hand I believe is more closely related to Sierra Leone's blood diamonds, obviously not as extreme, but the base concept is there. These are people who work so hard for beans, and are not allowed to reap the fruits of their labor. In fact they are usually murdered and tossed aside like rag dolls. Now I hear you saying, "Brandon, WTF? Really, You are comparing us to enslaved people in an African nation who harvest diamonds??" Yes, Yes I am. I did say that we were a less severe case...

On to the next matter of business, I went to a really cool panel last night on the Proposition 8 election results and everything. The panelist were displaying and reviewing different voting statistics and talking about improvements from 2004's prop 22. It was actually very interesting. One of the Panelists, Ron Buckmire, who is the President of the Barbara Jordan/Bayard Rustin Coalition noted that although the African-American Vote was a resounding 70% for "Yes," the White Republican vote was an even more astonishing 85% yes. Lets stop blaming the black community for this upset, put the blame where it needs to go...I hope that you all enjoy your day!



  2. Actually, it was against California law for this breeder to marry 60 years ago. In 1948, judges forced California to repeal anti-miscegenation laws (against popular opinion).

    Thus, a perfect reminder of why the voices of the masses should not be heeded. It's ridiculously beyond analogy.
