Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Now Where was I?

Oh yeah, so perp vans...The move is finally done with. I spent all weekend including Halloween Day moving Jefferson out of his old place and into his new place. It took the two of us, and two of Jeff's friends, Josh and Jay from Wisconsin and New York respectively, all damn day!!! Later in that evening we went to West Hollywood, and I wish that I had taken pictures...There were SOOOOO many people packed on the streets. Hundreds of Thousands of people along a 3 mile stretch of Santa Monica Boulevard from Robertson to La Cienega. Costumes of every shape form and theme. A shit-ton of Sarah Palins and John McCains. And that is the perfect transition...

What's everybody doing today? Better question, What should you be doing today? Get your butt out there and vote. If you are in CA, its ok, your vote won't change much, but as I have noticed a couple readers are from "Swing States (aka, States Obama's lead is less than ten points)". Get out and vote. For those of you in CA, please vote no on 8. Its ludicrous legislature at its finest...The gay and lesbian community is one of the last major maligned groups, and deserve equality. Civil Unions are not good enough. None of this separate but equal bullshit. All you republicans out there who claim to be constitutionalists and supporters of smaller governments. A yes vote is simply contradicting yourself. The statement that
"marriage is between a man and a woman" is not in the state constitution in any manner, and can in no way be deciphered in the state legislation. As far as keeping the government out of one's life this is pretty self-explanatory. The government can not and will not tell me who I am allowed to love and be loved by.

And finally, for those of you who claim to be protecting the "Religious Sanctity" of Marriage, bite me! This is a democracy, NOT a theocracy, we were NOT founded on the basis of religion and "One Nation, Under God" was inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance in the Nutty 50's. Our country is founded on the principal that all men are created equally and that everyone should have the privilege...No, THE RIGHT to flourish in any situation. If proposition 8 passes, and the constitution in amended it is to be blamed on nothing but the ignoramuses that walk this land, and the people that still believe in the "Religious Sanctity" of Marriage and it's 54% divorce rate...

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