Monday, November 10, 2008

2nd Class Citizen

I would like to encourage everyone who is able to, to participate in some for of anti-prop 8 rally. I am going to throw this out there right now...This is all about me...If you care about me as a person, friend, family member or have a really close friend or family member who is gay, lesbian or transgender, march with them, MARCH FOR THEM. This is not about religion, it is not about a poular vote, and it IS NOT ABOUT financial benefits! It is about LOVE, and it is about HATE. HATE that was cast with a "Yes on 8" vote. Its about supporting equal rights, and not promoting discrimination against fellow human beings.

This is the first time that actual legislature has been passed to strip anyone in this nation of rights. Never before has this happened and now it happens in the "most progressive state" in the "most progressive nation" in the world...Sickening.

I am a second class citizen, I am below all of you, you are all better than I am, and it is really depressing. It is pretty humiliating when death row inmates are allowed to marry whomever they want but hard-working model citizens who actually contribute to society are not. We have done nothing wrong, and have not hurt anyone.

This is why I am calling for all of you, ANY of you to lend a hand, and speak out against biggotry, hatred and discrimination against myslef and 3,000,000+ fellow Californians.

For those of you that did vote "Yes on 8" for religious reasons, what if your child/brother/best friend is a homosexual? There is no amount of preaching or sermons that can mutate genetics. What happens then? Think about it...

Below are some links for Rallies and Marches throughout California. Thank you so much for your support, all of you...

Brandon Watson
2nd Class Citizen


  1. Dude, I totally agree with everything you say.

    But for fuck's sake: learn to write in paragrahs already! Jeez! It's hard to follow your eloquent rants without a break here and there...

  2. There Mr. King...Paragraphs...Hahaha
