Monday, November 17, 2008

I wish I were straight...

Another post that might make some people a bit pissed. I am going to say it right now, I wish I were straight. Life would be so much easier if I were straight. Most heterosexuals laugh at this and shrug it off, but really, I am tired of being gay. Heterosexuals don't have to walk around watching their every moves, trying not to act too gay or too feminine. Not having to hold my breath every time I walk by a straight bar that some asshole will have an issue with my life, and now, being gay means being a lesser human...Sweet! I love it...

1 comment:

  1. don't let those assholes and bigots get to you, it honestly makes me sick brandon to think that todays world can not accept a change as simple as this... I wish you didn't have to wish you weren't gay I wish you could live life the way you want to live it and be happy and accepted by those that for some reason do not already, people around me such as friends and family who do not accept the life style I'm about ready to give up on. I love you and always will big brother, and will always be here if you ever have a funny thought about the old people no one knows, or who the random extra kids are at thanksgiving lol. No matter how big of a fruitcake you are, I love you and I always will, your the best big brother anyone could ask for
