Thursday, November 6, 2008

The last leg of stability is broken...

I have said from the start of this literary epic of Jack Kerouac proportions, that I lack stability in my life, and that Jeff was one of my few sources. Well, last night, Jeff and I broke up, after a fast 374 days, it had ran its course. I still love him and still need him in my life, just maybe not in the capacity that it was in. He knows me better than anyone else...he knows my skeletons...he knows my dark sides, and he understands them. That's the bond that we shared I guess.

Onto other things, there was a large no on 8 rally last night in West Hollywood, I'm not sure how many people were there, but in typical WeHo fashion, people were arrested for public intoxication, loud music was blaring, people were screaming and I'm positive there was some form of lewd act being conducted in this mob...SWEET!

What has me irked about this is not the rally itself, but the Yes on 8 supporters are posting all over websites for us to stop the protests and rallys...I'm sorry, first of all, what part of equality for all in the constitution did you miss? We are the last severely maligned group of Americans, why should we just sit back and take it? Because the church says so? Fuck the church, THIS IS NOT A THEOCRACY, get your blood stained hypocritical hands out of government. This issue is not about religion, it is not about education and it is not about abomination. Its about equality! If you can consciously still support proposition 8 while seeing the pain that it has caused, then I ask that you please leave my page. I don't want bigots and intolerant assholes anywhere near anything that I do/write/talk about. Just get out of my life, because you obviously don't give a hot shit about my well-being or my rights as a human being. I am slightly perturbed and I apologize for the vulgarities(Sorry Mom), but it makes me sick that we as "The Most Progressive State" in the "Most Progressive Nation" cannot observe basic human rights for at least 10% of the population. I am so sick of this, China has better human rights policies than California, yes, fucking China. At least they acknowledge the gay population and provide equal right across the board. I am ashamed of my country and ashamed of my state. Its a sad day in Brandon-Land right now...


  1. Don't forget that 70%+ of the black and hispanic vote went yes on 8 also.

  2. Got some of that wrong 53% hispanic and 46% asian vote went yes. majority of white vote went no.

  3. The 70% Black vote only counted for 6.2% of the total vote
