Tuesday, December 23, 2008

All I want for Xmas...

Human emotion is so inexplicable sometimes. A tiny facet of that emotion is attraction. There is really no way to explain attraction; why it exists, and why it does not. (That was an incredible use of a semi-colon by the way, hell yeah!) I do believe that attraction is primarily something that is predetermined by our genetic wiring and not by the way we were raised, or by how many bibles we have ingested by the point of puberty. So not to travel down this road too much, because it is a whole different can of worms, but I do want to talk about attraction some more. So I will, because I do what I want! haha

Attraction to me is simply enough, being able to look at someone or something and feel that sort of tingling inside. Whether it be tingling in your belly, or the occasional tingling in your loins, attraction is nothing more than that. I am a firm believer of everyone having their types. There is something about someone that makes you attracted to them. However what about those who you become inexplicably attracted to. Keith Olbermann for instance. I have a man crush on Keith Olbermann. He is not attractive, nor is he grossly tolerable. Entertaining, but obnoxiously left. What is it that causes this subconscious attraction.

I am subconsciously attracted to someone right now, and it is bizarre. Its almost an intrigue as opposed to an attraction. I want to know more, and I don't have patience to wait. This is not one of those tingling loins attractions though, simply one in which I am eager to get closer. So strange...And breeders say that its all about the sex! Screw you guys...

Oh and Russell, I hate you... Just seeing if you are keeping up with my yammerings!


  1. O. M. G. it's a woman isn't it....

  2. Dude, she has HUGE BOOBS! I cannot help it!

  3. kthat's beside the point! oh, you kids....

  4. You never say that you hate me :( I'm feeling unloved, Brandon!
