Friday, December 26, 2008

Last night...

So I had a fantastic Xmas yesterday. I did not really get anything of note and it was a beautiful thing. For the first time in I don't know how long, I was content doing nothing. My grandparents came over and we had a nice prime rib and just talked. It was fantastic, my grandpa and I talked about the Lakers, the Chargers, politics and life. My grandma and I were boozing it! I'm not a big Sauv Blanc fan, but it was strangely satisfying imbibing with the grandma, especially after the first glass when she was already dropping ice all over the floor.

Dinner was delicious and at about 7:30 the old-folks left and I went out to play. Padraic and Jordan dropped by to pick me up. We were off to our annual Christmas Day Casino trip. We went to Ryan's house had an orgasmic vodka soda, said hellot to Karen and Grandma Betty, and then headed off to pick up Chris and then onto the "Res."

Played a little blackjack, played a little poker and played a little more blackjack. I was texting with my friend earlier in the evening and asked him, if I won a bunch of money would he let me take him out to a nice restaurant for an official date? He said, yes in a round about way...I think...but anyways, I lost $70 dollars. :( I did get a big gift card from my Brother for Maggiano's. I hope he thinks Maggiano's is fancy! haha

While playing poker, Padraic came over and had a snide remark so I threatened to punch him in the throat, the dealer did not find this to be as amusing as I did, and I had to lay low. Then Padraic looks at Chris and says aloud, "Brandon is a Fussy little gay tonight isn't he?" Touche Douche, Touche... This little guy who was sitting next to me took notice and managed to follow me around for the rest of the evening. I think I managed to find the only gay on the "Res." Lucky me...

We left the casino around 2:30 and headed home. Now I am getting ready for work and am functioning off of 4 hours of sleep and a 2 hour drive back up from San Diego. I am painfully tired and still sore from the gym 3 days ago. There is no rest for the weary though, and that is just life i guess. I would not have done it any other way, and with my brother's wedding next week, it is only going to get worse. I hope you all had a bright and happy holiday break. Happy Friday and I look forward to seeing y'all out tonight!


1 comment:

  1. Apparently Maggiano's has a really great happy hour. I haven't experienced it myself, just something I heard second hand.
