Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The last couple days...and NYE

So the last couple days have been weird, emotionally at least. I finnally have a glut of days off and am going to enjoy them. Last night, David took me to MJ's for my first time with Richard and Ron. I had soooo much fun. I was teasing David about his nickname shots on the way over, and he was laughing and shrugging it off. We walked in and made a Bee-Line for the bar, when, what does David do but order 3 double shots of Kettle One, and the first round of drinks...Thanks David!!! I helped him and Richard move yesterday for maybe 90 minutes at the most, and I got 4 or 5 drinks and a meal out of it! Sweet!! Such a nice guy, hahaa.

Today, David, Richard and I set out on a mission of shopping proportions. That started off at Ikea and Ended with Costco. They essentially bought everything that someone would need in a household to survive...I bought Ravioli...David was being pretty Entertaining. We ate at Ikea, in this new pseudo-gourmet kitchen thing they have. He consumed 14 meatballs and within 90 minutes we were at Costco getting hot dogs and Ice cream. After eating we went inside where he managed to get 1 of ever sample in the store, and then on the way home said, "I'm getting Kinda Hungry." I have never met anyone, other than maybe Sean Scott, who eats more, faster than I do! I think I have met my match...

Tonight should be fun, I think we are going to go to Phil's for a bit, then Chris's and then a special secret destination that no one not involved is to know about...sorry all...Hahaha. If you know then you are involved if not, then you're not. Photos to follow...

1 comment:

  1. you've never been to MJs till this week? wow! i'm glad you had a great time, MJs is FUUUN! i almost went there on tuesday
