Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Gay Ole Time!

I just got back from the gym about a half hour ago. I had to cut my routine short because I smashed the crap out of my left thumb. No really, I dropped a weight on my thumb, and crap came out...Normally this would be one of those haha, laugh at dumb-ass unfortunate Brandon, but there is more to it than just my clumsiness and perpetual self-inflicted casualties that have become a way of life for me...

I was doing my pre lifting cardio, usually only about 10 minutes on the stationary bike, just a little something to get the blood going. This guy walks in and walks past me and smiles, he is hot. AND donning an HRC(Human Rights Campaign, look it up breeders) tank top, SCORE! So he goes down stairs and jumps on to the Stair Master thingy. Conveniently, there was one open directly behind him. So I ditched my crappy "bike without a view" and headed towards buns of steel and the stair master.

20 minutes later, I got bored of watching and decided to start my routine, I went over to the flat bench and grabbed some weights. I decided that it would be humorous to "Twitter" about it. Who the hell "Twitters" or "Tweets" in the gym right? Well my tragic ass does! So I had both weights leaning against one another while seated on the bench. and one slipped, POW, BAM, WHACK, SMASH, CRASH, BANG, BOOM, BLUDGEON, and many other onomotapieas that describe painful contact. So effectively I was at the gym being a pervert and then trying to twitter about it, and I pretty much got my just desserts...

I went to Gayme night last night for the first time ever. Soooo much fun. I was tired and antisocial and grumpy when i left work and was not sure how it was going to go. But to be honest, I had a blast. We played dirty minds for about ten minutes and then moved onto cranium and taboo where our team, Phil, David, Ron, Jeffery and myself got KILLED by the much less handsome much less intelligent, much more lucky team of Reth, Kris, Josh, RD and Frangelo...haha, I kid, I kid! I had a ton of fun and look forward to doing it again sometime soon! Thanks for the invite guys!


  1. Hilarious post! I can totally see it happening to you and giggle (with you) at your own expense.

    However, besides, BLUDGEON, the words POW, WHACK, etc., are all onomatopoeias... I think. And check the spelling on that please, because it's underlined red on my computer.

    I'm not a nerd, I promise!

  2. out first, be a perv later...priorities dude!

    and too bad you didn't have me on your Cranium/Taboo team...i can rock the blind drawing/clay sculpting thing in cranium LOL

  3. Sweet Kim!! I could not remember the stupid word. I figured one of my inellects would correct me! hahaha Thanks!
