Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Timothy Intervention

As mentioned in my previous blog, Tim and I went out.

I called Tim at about 8PM because I had not heard of anything going on and Tim said that he may want to go out. I said, "Tim, Come Out and Play! I need someone to save me from myself." Haha, but no really, that is definitely a partial truth.

I have been nothing short of a psychopath for the last couple weeks and I needed a change of pace. Work has really taken a lot out of me as well as life outside of work, etc... Draining, physically and emotionally. Yesterday was my first day off from the gym since the 4th and Friday was my first full day off of work in that same time period. I have become quite the introvert, and for those of you who have known me for a long time, an introvert is not the best way to describe me. Soooooo anyways...

Tim and I were not really sure where we were going to go, soooo Tim put his sexy car(See a 3649Lb Orgasm post) on auto-pilot and we ended up parking at the Abbey. Hmmm, Weird, the Abbey?

We grabbed a drink and made fun of some older gentleman whom finds it fitting to wear his sunglasses at night, in a bar...and if you are blind and use them as eye shields, my apologies...but yeah, we kinda milled around for a bit and looked at people...errr...Well I frantically searched for a pretty face and Tim stared at "Barman" until i had to wipe the drool off of his chin. There was one pretty face in a (couldn't actually tell)light blue/lavender/teal/aquamarine/sea foam green/mint green/turquoise colored shirt with a really neat tattoo on his arm. He was there with his also attractive friend and a lady friend. I kinda made quick eye contact but, being the pansy that I am, I looked away quickly and pretended to ignore him. Smooth...Jesus I suck...We got our drinks from "Barman" and headed into the adjacent room where they followed us, stood there for five minute, RIGHT NEXT TO US, STARED AT US, and still, all I could do was look at Tim and talk about something totally stupid, like (Here comes my George Cleveland Shout-out) Zoroastrianism, the 1985 Danny White led Dallas Cowboys, Vanna White, or other supercilious topics. I need to work on my "game". Maybe I will take another trip to Inglewood and have one of my homies teach me how to "Holler at dem hoes"...

Anyways, Tim and I moved on and were standing at the front and saw Phil and said hello. I turned around to find Tim and he was gone, just like that. He had been abducted by an absolutely smashed foreign couple who were slow-dancing to a different beat. Tim, kinda looked at me with that, "Please God Strike Me Dead So This Will Stop" kind of look and called me over then I got sucked in. The couple had their arms around Tim and I and the lady was getting frisky. We escaped just in time as the couple started making out. It was only 1:30 but Timothy was tired and I was getting inexplicably grumpy. I guess it just comes with old age, so we headed out. I needed a night out without any pressure or stress and I got it. I feel as refreshed as a hung-over person might expect to feel.

I was supposed to go wine tasting today for a few friends birthdays but I really was not in the mood to get into my car and drive to SD by myself. I asked a few people to go, but none of them seemed too enthused about it, so I kinda stopped pursuing it. Cut your losses right? Alright all, enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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