Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I feel like writing about something...

For two reasons, A. Boredom and 2. I have lots of thought dancing around in my clinically disturbed booze shaker of a head. I am not sure what this will be about until the very end, but we'll see what happens.

I have gotten quite a bit of crap from people for a couple of reasons recently. The first was my "unfair and insensitive" portrayal of Inglewood. And to those people who have expressed concern, go away. I simply documented everything i saw, including a bit of photo evidence. Stereotypes are funny, especially when they play out to be true...Chicken-heads... 2. "You have not posted enough of the negative stuff that is happening to you." Thanks Brian! My misery is your pleasure, I will try to live a crappier life for your convenience.

I have decided that everytime I go out, I am going to try and create drama for your enjoyment. I thinking a random slur, or an airborne pint glass at 1am at the Abbey would do the trick. Or maybe hooking up with a large lady-man on the corner of Santa Monica Blvd and San Vicente. Getting arrested has its appeal as does trying to steal a kiss form a couple who happen to already me making out...So many choices...A simple boob grab or random ass-slap also has potential to create some problems. Any other suggestions? My well-being and life are in your hands...

Work is going really well. I have not had a run in with "Jean Summers" and her 30Lb Pussy in quite awhile. I think if she were to come in and talk to me I would be driven over the edge. Then I would have to explain to the police why I hit her with the 25Lb printer that I am staring at right now. I think if I just direct them to her history they will understand.

Friends are good. I missed out on a trip to Temecula on Sunday to celebreate, Paul's, Kat's, Kelly's, Sophie's and John's Birthdays because I just did not feel well enough to go out, and because I did not want to go down there by myself. I had aasked a couple people who showed a slight interest but that appeared to fade with time. As it always does with acquaintances. I have been going out quite a bit up here and meeting some new faces which is nice. I am trying to get accustomed to the group, but as your prototypical, "New Overly-Opinionated Ass-Hole" this has become a bit tricky. Whatever, it'll happen.

The love life is...ummm...The End...

Family is well. The last thing I heard from my Mom was a quote on my blog about poor decisions, she said, BRANDON MATTHEW WATSON. And that was it. I am assuming it was Mother Dearest because of the tone, yes text has tone.

Overall, my life seems hectic right now, and frankly its not terribly fun. I am the kind of personality that loves to be around people, whether it be a group of ten people, or just one, I just like having someone to talk to. Plus, I don't look so batshit crazy when there is someone else to talk to. I have recently been changing my plans and schedule around a lot in the hopes of having consecutive days off from work which has tragically backfired, because the handful people who I actually was looking forward to hanging out with are either busy, or not around. Therefore, I have had a lot of time to think. Thinking for me is dangerous, unless Trivial Pursuit or Cranium, then I will murder you, figuratively of course. :-) When I think, I think way too much. I think myself into situations that are so unbelievably far-fetched that I for some reason believe them. Lame...

I have to do an Obama shout out, simply because this is the best day in the last 8 calender years. I feel happy, elated almost. George Bush and his 22% approval rating have just landed in Texas where he will forever resign to being labeled, "The Worst President in United States History". Worse than Nixon(Watergate), worse than Warren G. Harding(Tea Pot Dome Scandal), worse than Ronald Reagan (Just being a douche or Dingle-Berry). Immediately after 9/11, Bush's Approval rating his approval rating soared from a dismal pre 9/11 mark of 51 to 90%. As he ascended from the Capital Helipad his rating had descended to the lowest mark ever, in the history of the United States Executive Branch. In conclusion, I hate George W. Bush, I hate his smug smirks, I hate the fact that he still after 8 years of foul-ups, takes no accountability for anything that he has helped create/destroy...

Bon Voyage Dingle-Berry...

Oh and for those of you who are still reading, check out my co-worker Allison's awkward encounters and dating predicaments at allisonslaadventures.blogspot.com

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