Wednesday, October 29, 2008

the Gayest Gym in the world...

Ok, so, those of you who have been to a 24-Hour Fitness anywhere in the nation know that they tend to e nice. No matter the size or location, they just seem to be clean and somewhat professional...Well that is not the case for the 24 Hour Fitness in West Hollywood. West Hollywood, being 60% gay has a 24 Hour Fitness that is...well...100% gay. It is essentially a glorified bathhouse and just smells of sex and filth, not in a good way either...there are signs posted throughout stating that swimsuits and pool garments are required in all wet areas... There are 5 different Jacuzzis in separate rooms, and the showers are simply a peepshow waiting to happen, again, not in a good way either. If you go upstairs, watch out for the ever-reliable old guys with their old wieners hanging out...Gross

1 comment:

  1. The hot boys go to Gold's on Wilson. Try that one, you might like it.
