Friday, October 10, 2008


So John is leaving tomorrow morning at 5:15 in the morning then I am responsible for the finishing touches here. So although I am off, I am busy. Work was fun yesterday, worked with Marsa and Keisha, love em! Sold a few memberships, made some money, now i need to sell more!!! I worked late and then headed out at about 7Pm or so to meet John at Koo-Koo-Roo. Santa Monica was a cluster fuck and healthy food was sounding less and less appetizing. We ended up going to KFC and ordering about $15.00 of food each...The line that sealed the night...

Me: "We need to walk to CVS and get some more toilet paper, we're running low."
John: "Are we completely out?"
Me: "Yeah, and I got an entire KFC Chicken Coop knockin' at my door..."

I now give you a moment to digest...

So last night was entertaining, theres a bar in West Hollywood called Fubar...Fubar, on thursday nights is affectionately known as "Big C**k Night." Way to further stereotype the gay community right? So Fubar is a dirty disgusting hell hole, think Pounder's to those of you from Escondido, there is nothing quaint, charming or good that happens here...The Gogo dancers are somewhat easy on the eyes, but the bar is so steamy and "foggy" that you cannot see them anyways. One gimmick of "Big C**K Night" is the "C**k for a Shot" promotion. Show your junk to the bartenders, get a response...not quite sanitary...We were there long enough to enjoy two rounds of $11.00 weak(by the Abbey's standards) Vodka sodas, and then we started walking back. We decided to stop in at O-Bar on the way back and as soon as week walked in the Bartenders all blew their whistles and a 5:00 countdown showed up on the screen...OPEN BAR FOR 5:00 and there were only about 20 people in their. John and I drank like we were poor college students living off of a stipend from mom and dad that paid rent and utilities...we had three rounds in the five minutes and then decided to call it a night...

Woke up this AM at about 7:00 to a text from Jimmy Chen saying that he had been robbed, I was concerned for a moment, I was not sure if he had been mugged or what, but apparently they just broke into his friends car. PEOPLE SUCK!!! So I went back to sleep for about 30 minutes then John cheerfully (bastard, don't know how he does it!!!) woke me up to start cleaning.

I got a message from Allyson Roach, my brother's soon to be wife regarding the "Fly-on-the-wall" effect of this blog. That was nice so i turned around and wrote a ridiculous emotional letter back to her and feel a lot better that I got a lot out there! For any of you who know my brother, you know that he deserves the best, and I think he found it...So enough emotional crap, thats where we are now...I had fun last night, it was nice to kinda put life on hold for a bit, but it really made me think. I have my priorities in order...I used to think that it was my duty to go out and spend lots of money at the bars on the weekends, and now I just kinda feel that it is a privilage and is done in moderation. I might be "Barred-Out" this weekend.

Oh, and in other news, my Aunt Betty died on Wednesday. Kinda sad, cool lady, kinda a quack, but she did live a looooong 80 something years. This is the woman who told us that she used to drink nail polish remover at the old folks home because it worked better than booze...yeah, a looooong 80 years...

Okay, thats all, off the to grove with John

I miss you Jefferson


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