Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nareth's 26th birthday...

Last night at Nareth's Birthday party, which I'd like to point out was 7 miles away from Butt F*** Egypt...Arcadia or something, I think its in Utah, but I'm not sure...Anywho, we had a good time. I forced Tim to hang out with me because the only thing that I have ever gotten from Nareth's other friends are cold stares. Its my fault too, I have not gone out of my way to get to know them, I'm sure they are nice and I look forward to getting to know them, but anyways, we did the beer and food thing, kicked ass at interactive trivia, and I mean seriously kicked ass. We found one of those old Daytona linked up car games, and Tim, Nareth, Kevin(Who I highly approve of!!!) and myself went at it...I was in last. I did not quite fit right in the damn seat and my foot was stuck on the drivers pedal... no brakes, full throttle the whole time...All in all it was fun times!

On the drive home, Tim and had a good talk about expectations of "the community" and depression and coping that people experience in the couple years after they come out. Also of topic was the importance of friends in this time, and how they might be a person's best asset. It made me think that as rough as it got for me a little while back I was glad that I had really good friends who knew me for who and what I am instead of just some homo. Family is vital, but at this age no one understands you as well as your friends do. Everywhere I have gone I have had a solid core of friends, and I am very dependent on them. This is the first time that I feel slightly "friend-less." I have Jefferson who means the world to me, and then John (Jefferson and my Marriage counselor) Tim and Nareth (who are both busy bodies) who both mean more to me than they know, and the Gendarmerie crowd. Its getting better, but its tough going from being surrounded by people to being alone. It'll get better though!

Alright enough sentimental BS...

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